

发布时间: 2024-05-17 10:20:48北京青年报社官方账号





As the Swedish telecommunication giant Ericsson believes, wireless factories and flexible manufacturing will make the future of production scenario.


As to protecting intellectual property, which has been at the center of the bilateral trade friction, the survey found that 61 percent of the US companies reported China's IP protection had "greatly improved "or "somewhat improved", the highest rating in a decade. Only 2 percent reported otherwise.


As the graphic designer discovered, the Mogao Caves near the historic Silk Road oasis of Dunhuang launched a "home travel" museum program involving a broad range of cultural organizations, stretching from eastern Zhejiang and southern Guangdong provinces to Liaoning province in the northeast. The program aims to promote and maintain public interest in art, heritage and relic conservation.


As the jury selection continued on Wednesday from 9 am (1400 GMT) at the Federal courthouse in Peoria, the lawyers said they believe the judge can finish the task of picking 70 qualified jurors this week.


As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved. What we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life. China has seen the basic needs of over a billion people met, has basically made it possible for people to live decent lives, and will soon bring the building of a moderately prosperous society to a successful completion. The needs to be met for the people to live better lives are increasingly broad. Not only have their material and cultural needs grown; their demands for democracy, rule of law, fairness and justice, security, and a better environment are increasing. At the same time, China's overall productive forces have significantly improved and in many areas our production capacity leads the world. The more prominent problem is that our development is unbalanced and inadequate. This has become the main constraining factor in meeting the people's increasing needs for a better life.


